When it comes to clearing out the mental clutter and gaining more mental clarity for greater success, there are some small thing that you can do daily that will help you gain control of the thoughts that continually bombard your brain.
These little things will provide you with a particular course of actions that you can turn to when you find yourself in a situation where you are feeling overwhelmed with unhelpful thoughts.
Practice Mindful Breathing
If you start to feel overwhelmed or are experiencing a lack of focus, practicing a mindful breathing technique can help calm your heart and clear your mind. When negative or overwhelming thoughts start to bombard your mind, close your eyes and think to yourself, “inhale,” as you take a long deep breath, and “exhale,” as you slowly release the breath.
When you slow down your breathing and concentrate on inhaling and exhaling it will help you regain a feeling of control. Deep breathing has been proven to help lower stress and blood pressure levels.
In addition to being able to calm the physical body, concentrating on your breathing can allow you to achieve a greater sense of focus. Noticing your breathing forces you to think about only one thing, and this can help you to stop the other thoughts that are vying for space in your head.
Work Out
Another great way to clear your mind of clutter is to get some sort of physical exercise every day. Not only does exercising allow you to focus on the activity that you are participating in, but it also changes your mind in ways that have been scientifically proven.
For one, exercise increases the production of endorphins in your brain, which can help you to calm and relax your body and mind. Other benefits of exercising include:
• Increasing your self-esteem
• Ease the symptoms of anxiety and depression
• Improves sleep
• Provide you with an added sense of control in your life • Enhances The Mood And Increases Optimism
If you aren't currently doing much in terms of physical activity, becoming more active can be incredibly beneficial in helping you slow down your mind and eliminate mental clutter. Adding exercise to your daily routine can be as simple as going for a walk in the evenings or practicing yoga when you wake up in the mornings.
Start Writing More Down
Writing down as many thoughts as you can is another way that you can teach your brain to stop moving so fast and declutter the mind. This doesn't require you to write your thoughts down in a formal journal, but instead performing a brain dump with whatever writing utensils you have available.
When you can regularly decrease the number of ideas floating around your head by writing them down, you can start to establish positive habits that will lead to long-term change.
For many people, once they write their thoughts down, they feel as though the weight of their brain’s activity has been purged from the mind. Some of the things that you might want to consider writing down include:
• The Steps That Need To Take To Accomplish Your Goals • A list of your current worries
• Details about a relationship that might be straining your mental energy
There are no set rules about which thoughts you can and can’t write down. The idea is to clear the mental clutter by pulling the thoughts out of your head so you can acknowledge them and let them go.
Read a Book
Another great way to declutter the mind is by reading. A good book will allow you to escape from reality in a way that might not otherwise be possible. While watching a movie or a television show can provide you with a similar feeling of escapism, these avenues of entertainment, however, don’t allow your mind to work as hard as reading a book.
Additionally, a good book can occupy your mind with details that a television show or movie can’t express.
Keep a List
If you find that your mind is always preoccupied with thoughts about everything that you need to accomplish, it can be beneficial to keep a list of the tasks you need to complete. Take some time before you go to bed to write down a list of all the tasks that are currently consuming your mind.
You can either use a pen and paper to compile this list or download one of the many apps for your smartphone so you can keep this list with you wherever you go.
When you compile a list of everything that you need to do to accomplish your goals, you are removing some of the clutter that is floating around in your brain, because it forces you to keep everything in one place. Writing a list of your tasks will also help you to organize them more efficiently and prioritize essential tasks that you need to accomplish.
Say No to Interruptions
Sometimes the best way to declutter your mind and gain mental clarity is by eliminating the interruptions that keep you from getting anything accomplished. There are so many things that can interrupt your workflow, form your cell phone to social media, to chatty coworkers and employees.
Take some time to think about all the potential interruptions that you have to deal with and consider whether some of these interruptions can be dealt with at a later time.
For instance, email notifications on your smartphone can interrupt you multiple times a day. Instead of reaching for your phone to check your emails every time you get a notification, turn these off and commit to only checking and responding to your emails a couple of times of day. If you have an issue with coworkers or employees continually stopping by your office to chat, shut your door and place a do not disturb sign on your door for a couple of hours so you can get work done without the interruptions.
Constant interruptions end up pulling your focus away from the task at hand and can significantly decrease your ability to focus on what needs to get done. Make a list of all the interruptions that could happen throughout the day and come up with solutions to address these interruptions. The fewer interruptions that you have to deal with, the less cluttered your mind will be and the greater success you'll achieve.
Quit Procrastinating
Everyone is busy, and it is only natural to want to put things off until the last minute, especially when you have a lot going on; however, if you're someone who tends to wait to do something out of laziness or because you don’t feel like it, then this could directly lead to excessive mind clutter.
The fact of the matter is that completing the tasks on your plate is good for your mind. If you don’t address the things that you need to complete in a timely manner, they will end up occupying your mind until they are completed.
A great way to stop procrastination is by implementing the two- minute rule and applying it to all the tasks on your to-do list. The two-minute rule involves asking yourself what actions you can take in two minutes or less that will move you forward in completing your tasks.
The idea is that once you commit to spending just two minutes on completing an assignment, you're more than likely to continue working after the two minutes is up until you complete the task in its entirety.
This is due to the psychological phenomenon called the Zeigarnik effect, which states that unfinished tasks are more likely to get stuck in your memory, which is why our minds tend to get stuck in a loop thinking about all the things we’ve not yet completed. It is important to remember that even small actions are still actions and two minutes can make all the difference.
Even if you don't believe that you need to work on all of the different kinds of mental clutter that these exercises pertain to, the chances are high that you can relate to at least one of them. If one of these tips is speaking to you more than the others, try to implement it into your daily routine before moving onto the others.
Additionally, don't be afraid to experiment with the different tips above. There are no rules stating that you can't alter these tips and make them work for you to the fullest extent possible. Finding ways to get rid of the mental clutter in your head is incredibly important if you want to be able to gain mental clarity and achieve greater success.
When it comes to clearing out the mental clutter and gaining more mental clarity for greater success, there are some small thing that you can do daily that will help you gain control of the thoughts that continually bombard your brain.
These little things will provide you with a particular course of actions that you can turn to when you find yourself in a situation where you are feeling overwhelmed with unhelpful thoughts.
Practice Mindful Breathing
If you start to feel overwhelmed or are experiencing a lack of focus, practicing a mindful breathing technique can help calm your heart and clear your mind. When negative or overwhelming thoughts start to bombard your mind, close your eyes and think to yourself, “inhale,” as you take a long deep breath, and “exhale,” as you slowly release the breath.
When you slow down your breathing and concentrate on inhaling and exhaling it will help you regain a feeling of control. Deep breathing has been proven to help lower stress and blood pressure levels.
In addition to being able to calm the physical body, concentrating on your breathing can allow you to achieve a greater sense of focus. Noticing your breathing forces you to think about only one thing, and this can help you to stop the other thoughts that are vying for space in your head.
Work Out
Another great way to clear your mind of clutter is to get some sort of physical exercise every day. Not only does exercising allow you to focus on the activity that you are participating in, but it also changes your mind in ways that have been scientifically proven.
For one, exercise increases the production of endorphins in your brain, which can help you to calm and relax your body and mind. Other benefits of exercising include:
• Increasing your self-esteem
• Ease the symptoms of anxiety and depression
• Improves sleep
• Provide you with an added sense of control in your life • Enhances The Mood And Increases Optimism
If you aren't currently doing much in terms of physical activity, becoming more active can be incredibly beneficial in helping you slow down your mind and eliminate mental clutter. Adding exercise to your daily routine can be as simple as going for a walk in the evenings or practicing yoga when you wake up in the mornings.
Start Writing More Down
Writing down as many thoughts as you can is another way that you can teach your brain to stop moving so fast and declutter the mind. This doesn't require you to write your thoughts down in a formal journal, but instead performing a brain dump with whatever writing utensils you have available.
When you can regularly decrease the number of ideas floating around your head by writing them down, you can start to establish positive habits that will lead to long-term change.
For many people, once they write their thoughts down, they feel as though the weight of their brain’s activity has been purged from the mind. Some of the things that you might want to consider writing down include:
• The Steps That Need To Take To Accomplish Your Goals • A list of your current worries
• Details about a relationship that might be straining your mental energy
There are no set rules about which thoughts you can and can’t write down. The idea is to clear the mental clutter by pulling the thoughts out of your head so you can acknowledge them and let them go.
Read a Book
Another great way to declutter the mind is by reading. A good book will allow you to escape from reality in a way that might not otherwise be possible. While watching a movie or a television show can provide you with a similar feeling of escapism, these avenues of entertainment, however, don’t allow your mind to work as hard as reading a book.
Additionally, a good book can occupy your mind with details that a television show or movie can’t express.
Keep a List
If you find that your mind is always preoccupied with thoughts about everything that you need to accomplish, it can be beneficial to keep a list of the tasks you need to complete. Take some time before you go to bed to write down a list of all the tasks that are currently consuming your mind.
You can either use a pen and paper to compile this list or download one of the many apps for your smartphone so you can keep this list with you wherever you go.
When you compile a list of everything that you need to do to accomplish your goals, you are removing some of the clutter that is floating around in your brain, because it forces you to keep everything in one place. Writing a list of your tasks will also help you to organize them more efficiently and prioritize essential tasks that you need to accomplish.
Say No to Interruptions
Sometimes the best way to declutter your mind and gain mental clarity is by eliminating the interruptions that keep you from getting anything accomplished. There are so many things that can interrupt your workflow, form your cell phone to social media, to chatty coworkers and employees.
Take some time to think about all the potential interruptions that you have to deal with and consider whether some of these interruptions can be dealt with at a later time.
For instance, email notifications on your smartphone can interrupt you multiple times a day. Instead of reaching for your phone to check your emails every time you get a notification, turn these off and commit to only checking and responding to your emails a couple of times of day. If you have an issue with coworkers or employees continually stopping by your office to chat, shut your door and place a do not disturb sign on your door for a couple of hours so you can get work done without the interruptions.
Constant interruptions end up pulling your focus away from the task at hand and can significantly decrease your ability to focus on what needs to get done. Make a list of all the interruptions that could happen throughout the day and come up with solutions to address these interruptions. The fewer interruptions that you have to deal with, the less cluttered your mind will be and the greater success you'll achieve.
Quit Procrastinating
Everyone is busy, and it is only natural to want to put things off until the last minute, especially when you have a lot going on; however, if you're someone who tends to wait to do something out of laziness or because you don’t feel like it, then this could directly lead to excessive mind clutter.
The fact of the matter is that completing the tasks on your plate is good for your mind. If you don’t address the things that you need to complete in a timely manner, they will end up occupying your mind until they are completed.
A great way to stop procrastination is by implementing the two- minute rule and applying it to all the tasks on your to-do list. The two-minute rule involves asking yourself what actions you can take in two minutes or less that will move you forward in completing your tasks.
The idea is that once you commit to spending just two minutes on completing an assignment, you're more than likely to continue working after the two minutes is up until you complete the task in its entirety.
This is due to the psychological phenomenon called the Zeigarnik effect, which states that unfinished tasks are more likely to get stuck in your memory, which is why our minds tend to get stuck in a loop thinking about all the things we’ve not yet completed. It is important to remember that even small actions are still actions and two minutes can make all the difference.
Even if you don't believe that you need to work on all of the different kinds of mental clutter that these exercises pertain to, the chances are high that you can relate to at least one of them. If one of these tips is speaking to you more than the others, try to implement it into your daily routine before moving onto the others.
Additionally, don't be afraid to experiment with the different tips above. There are no rules stating that you can't alter these tips and make them work for you to the fullest extent possible. Finding ways to get rid of the mental clutter in your head is incredibly important if you want to be able to gain mental clarity and achieve greater success.
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